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pregnancy and postpartum depression therapy in Scottsdale.

Pregnancy & Postpartum

General Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Information

It can be exhausting to keep up appearances when you are feeling depleted and depressed. When you have a baby to take care of on top of that, life can feel unmanageable and out of control. Some women who experience depression or anxiety after childbirth may believe this is just what being a mother must feel like. They may think something is wrong, but not know exactly what. Or they may think that depression is something that happens to other women.

Perinatal (during and after pregnancy) mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) are more common than you might think and can occur during pregnancy and anytime during the first postpartum year. One out of every 7 women who gives birth experiences symptoms of a clinical depression that requires treatment. While there is no single cause for perinatal depression and anxiety, it likely results from a combination of biological (your brain and body), genetic (your family history), psychological (your personality and make-up) and environmental (external stressors) factors in your life.


In addition, while pregnancy has traditionally been thought of as a time of emotional wellbeing, recent studies indicate that 10% to 15% of women experience clinically significant depressive symptoms during pregnancy.


​Many women make the mistake of waiting too long in the hopes that things will get better on their own. Postponing treatment can lead to harder-to-treat symptoms and a lingering illness. Perinatal depression and anxiety is very treatable. If you are worried about the way you are feeling, tell someone. Talk to your partner. Talk to your healthcare provider. Do not let feelings of shame or embarrassment get in your way. Do what you need to do to help yourself heal so you can feel like yourself again.

Pregnancy & Postpartum
Services We Offer

  • Depression and/or anxiety in pregnancy

  • Labor and delivery preparation

  • ​Postpartum depression, stress, and anxiety

  • Perinatal obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • ​Adjustment to parenthood

  • Pregnancy after loss support

  • ​Support for infertility

  • Grief / bereavement care for miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss

  • Supportive care for ending a wanted pregnancy / medical termination

  • Reproductive decision-making & planning

  • Support for families with a baby in the NIC-U

  • Processing a traumatic birth experience

  • Supportive care for medical complications for mother or infant

  • Adjusting to life with an a-typical baby / child

  • Facing single motherhood / fatherhood

  • General support for the parenting journey

  • Family, identity & career decision-making

  • Support during life transitions

pregnancy and postpartum depression therapist in Scottsdale.
Professional Member of the Postpartum Support International (PSI) organization.

Dr. Rodriguez-Siuts is a Professional Member of the Postpartum Support International (PSI) organization and has completed advanced training in Perinatal (Pregnancy, Prenatal, and Postpartum) and Maternal Mental Health with PSI and The Postpartum Stress Center.

Common Pregnancy & Postpartum Terms

  • Baby Blues
    Baby blues are considered a normal part of postpartum adjustment (up to 85% of new mothers!) The blues are related to the hormonal shifts following delivery. They self-limiting and require no treatment. Symptoms generally appear within three to four days after delivery and remit spontaneously within 2-3 weeks. The blues do not interfere with your day-to-day functioning. If emotional vulnerability lasts beyond 2-3 weeks postpartum, it is not the blues. ​ Warning Signs (temporary) You feel sad and happy, alternately You feel anxious You cry more easily than usual You be weepy You feel emotional You feel overwhelmed You feel irritable You feel exhausted
  • Postpartum Stress Syndrome
    Postpartum Stress Syndrome (This Isn’t What I Expected by Kleiman and Raskin) is another term for an adjustment disorder. You may notice yourself struggling to get through the day with constant feelings of distress which do not resolve with reassurance or self-help measures. You may be overwhelmed by feelings of self-doubt and feel pressure to be the perfect mother who is in control at all times. Most of the time, women with postpartum stress syndrome feel like they are imposters, or like they are going through the motions without anyone noticing how bad they are really feeling. Postpartum stress syndrome can lead to depression if symptoms linger without supportive attention to them. ​ Warning signs You feel more anxious than usual You are worried that you are not bonding with your baby the way you should be You are exhausted You are trying to “fake it ‘til you make it” You are overly concerned with how you are feeling You compare yourself to how other women are doing/looking/feeling You wonder if you might be depressed You may avoid social situations You are experiencing an increase in physical complaints
  • Perinatal Depression
    Prenatal or postpartum depression (perinatal) is characterized by a depressed mood most of the day nearly every day. It can present with symptoms similar to baby blues, but symptoms of depression are more disruptive and last beyond the first two weeks after delivery. Onset is usually within the first three months postpartum, but symptoms can emerge any time during the first postpartum year. Symptoms of postpartum depression can be difficult to distinguish from “normal” postpartum conditions associated with being a new mother because most new mothers are tired, overwhelmed and anxious. The determining factor is how much distress the feelings cause you and how much they interfere with your ability to function during the day. Perinatal depression can range from mild to severe. Even mild depression requires treatment. If left untreated, perinatal depression can have serious adverse effects on you and your relationship with significant others, and on your baby’s emotional and psychologic development. Your baby deserves a healthy mom. ​ Warning signs You are worried about the way you are feeling You feel tired all the time You are unable to sleep even when the baby is sleeping You feel inadequate and compare yourself to others You feel guilty about how you are feeling You feel nervous much of the time You are not eating as much as I usually do Your mind races with thoughts and worries You are unable to focus or concentrate on anything You have thoughts that are scaring you You are afraid if you tell anyone how you are really feeling you will be judged You worry that if anyone knew what you were thinking, they would take your baby away You are afraid that people will think you are not a good mother You are confused about how you are feeling You are obsessing about how you are feeling, what you are thinking and how your baby is doing You feel irritable and enraged some of the time You cry more often that you usually do Sometimes you think it would be better if you were not here You feel guilty or embarrassed about the way you are feeling The way you are feeling is interfering with your ability to function day to day You are experiencing physical problems like headaches, stomach aches, dizziness, unexplained pains You have way more anxiety than you usually do You have lost pleasure in doing the things that used to give you pleasure You are consumed by how you are feeling. You wonder why nothing you do seems good enough You are afraid to be alone You are worried that you might be over attached or not attached enough with your baby You wonder if you will ever feel better You have thoughts of disappearing, sleeping forever, running away, waking up someplace else You are having suicidal thoughts and believe your baby would be better off without you
  • Perinatal Anxiety
    Perinatal Anxiety is the presence of excessive worry during pregnancy and the postpartum period. While anxiety is normal during this time too much worry can make you feel tense and irritable more of the time, than not. ​ Warning signs Your heart is racing, palpitating, skipping beats You have a sense of pending doom You have pressure or pain in your chest You feel preoccupied with uncontrollable worries You have thoughts that are scaring you about your baby, about yourself, about your partner and anyone you love You ruminate about how you physical wellbeing or the health of your baby You are consumed by “what ifs” and feel anxious about future events You have lost your appetite, nothing tastes good You are exhausted Thoughts race in your head You have difficulty sleeping You find it challenging to quiet your mind Relaxing feels impossible You questions your decisions You overthink, overanalyze, over process everything You have an increase in physical symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, blurry vision You having feelings of being “unreal” or dissociated from self or the environment
  • Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Postpartum OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive, intrusive thoughts, images or urges which may or may not be accompanied by compulsive behaviors. These unwanted thoughts appear “out of nowhere” and are extremely distressing. You might be worried that if you tell anyone about the thoughts you are having, something terrible will happen, like someone will take your baby away. While it is understandable that you would worry about these thoughts because they feel so bad, these thoughts are a common manifestation of acute anxiety and are not associated with any negative outcomes. Most new parents experience unwanted negative thoughts about their infants, even women who do not have OCD. The anxiety you feel about these thoughts tells us that they are anxiety-driven and this is a symptom that is very treatable. ​ Warning signs You have scary thoughts of hurting your baby (stabbing, suffocating, sexual abuse, dropping) You might experience some of these common obsessions: The idea that your baby could die while sleeping in the crib The thought or image of dropping the baby from a high place An image of your baby dead Unwanted impulses to shake or yell at your baby Thoughts of drowning your baby during a bath You are afraid that you might inadvertently harm your baby through your inattentiveness You are preoccupied with thoughts of harm to your baby from exposure to medications, environmental toxins, germs, crowds, chemicals, foods You worry that you will be responsible for something horrible happening to your child You are afraid you are making bad decision which may lead to a catastrophic outcome You may avoid certain places, things, or actions for fear harm may come to your baby You may check, count, clean, repeatedly to reassure yourself that things are in control You find that you ask the same things repetitively and are not reassured by what you are told You have lost your appetite You have difficulty sleeping because the of the thoughts whirling around your head
  • Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Postpartum PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can follow an experience involving a threatened, perceived or actual serious injury or death to you or your baby. Witnessing an event involving death and reacting with horror or feelings of helplessness contribute to the definition of trauma. Examples of trauma which can lead to PTSD after childbirth are: history of previous sexual trauma, birth trauma related to medical complications or injury, birth loss or NICU experience, any unexpected outcome. ​ Warning signs You have nightmares of the traumatic event You have flashbacks of the traumatic event You are angry You have pervasive anxiety You cannot sleep You cannot concentrate You feel emotionally numb You avoid things or places that remind you of the traumatic event Your anxiety is triggered by cues of the traumatic event You re-live the traumatic event in your mind which causes you to become more agitated, more irritable, more distressed You may feel detached
  • Perinatal Panic
    Perinatal panic is when the anxiety manifests as distinct periods of intense fear. These periods are often marked by subsequent fear and avoidance of another attack. ​ Warning signs You cannot breathe Your heart is racing, palpitating, skipping beats You feel weak and lightheaded You feel terrified for no particular reason You feel numbness or tingling and wonder if you are becoming paralyzed You are terrified of losing control You wonder if you are going insane You feel like pacing as a result of excessive negative energy You are afraid you will die You are having thoughts that are scaring you You are worried about your ability to be a good mother if you have these unwanted thoughts You believe your physical symptoms are dire and perhaps you should go to the emergency room You believe no one understands how bad you feel or how scared you are You are fearful of having an anxiety attack You avoid places or things because you are fearful you will panic You are unable to calm yourself You have been told you are overreacting or majorly misinterpreting your bodily sensations
  • Perinatal Bipolar Disorder
    Bipolar disorder during the perinatal period is characterized by periods of extreme highs (mania) and lows (depression). Bipolar I is primarily distinguished by the presence of manic episodes, while bipolar II is characterized by hypomanic episodes. Although postpartum hypomania may not be associated with major impairment in functioning, it is not uncommon for it to be linked with a subsequent, significant depression. If you have a history or family history of bipolar disorder you are at an increased risk of experiencing an episode during pregnancy and postpartum. You are also at risk for postpartum psychosis so please inform your healthcare providers so you be carefully monitored. Warning signs You experience persistent elevated or irritable moods (hypomania) You have a family history of bipolar disorder in a close relative You feel you need less sleep You feel more energetic than usual You feel abnormally talkative or hyper You are being told that your speech is pressured and you are not talking like yourself Your irritability is interfering with your relationships You experience periods of severe depression Your thoughts race and you seem to be thinking faster You feel overconfident or unusually social You feel quick to anger or chronically irritable You are told by others that your behavior is problematic You have started a new antidepressant and feel strangely good You have a heightened interest in sex or spending money You are told you are not acting like yourself You are told that your overly inflated sense of self interferes with work or relationships
  • Postpartum Psychosis
    Postpartum psychosis is the least common, but most serious, postpartum mood disorder. It affects one to two per thousand deliveries and typically appears within the first month after delivery. The presence of psychotic symptoms necessitates aggressive medical treatment and most likely, hospitalization. Psychosis is strongly associated with bipolar disorder; therefore, if you have a personal or family history of bipolar disorder you should be carefully assessed. ​ Warning signs You report seeing things that others do not see You believe things that others say are not true You hear voices other than your own (often religious in nature) telling you to do things (often telling you to harm your baby) Your thoughts race constantly Your speech is rapid You are paranoid and question the loyalty or intentions of those closest to you You feel extraordinarily agitated You are told by others that you are not in touch with reality or the word “bizarre” is used to describe your thinking You have difficulty expressing yourself and have trouble making sense to others You do not understand what others close to you are telling you You are unable to sleep or you do not feel the need to sleep You have suicidal thoughts You have thoughts of directly harming your infant
online resource for postpartum depression.

The Blossoming Mama:

A Mother's Guide to a Healthy Postpartum

Guide Overview:

  • Risk Factors

  • Sleep

  • Breastfeeding

  • Body Image

  • Identity

  • Social Media

  • Communication

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Boundaries

  • Coping Strategies

  • Support System

  • Assertiveness

Our $147 Guide Includes:

  • Unlimited Access

  • 1.5 Hours of Content

  • 15 Handouts

  • 14 Topic Areas

A Note From Dr. Sandra Rodriguez-Siuts, Ph.D.

I am confident that the material in this guide will be beneficial to you as you navigate through the ups and downs of postpartum. From practical tips on self-care to expert advice on managing postpartum challenges, this guide has it all. I have carefully curated the content to ensure that it is relevant and easy to implement in your daily life. Thank you for choosing Blossoming Mama as your go-to resource for a healthy postpartum!

Postpartum Depression or Anxiety Screening Tools

Below you will find several screening tools to help you assess whether you may be struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety.

  • Baby Blues
    Baby blues are considered a normal part of postpartum adjustment (up to 85% of new mothers!) The blues are related to the hormonal shifts following delivery. They self-limiting and require no treatment. Symptoms generally appear within three to four days after delivery and remit spontaneously within 2-3 weeks. The blues do not interfere with your day-to-day functioning. If emotional vulnerability lasts beyond 2-3 weeks postpartum, it is not the blues. ​ Warning Signs (temporary) You feel sad and happy, alternately You feel anxious You cry more easily than usual You be weepy You feel emotional You feel overwhelmed You feel irritable You feel exhausted
  • Postpartum Stress Syndrome
    Postpartum Stress Syndrome (This Isn’t What I Expected by Kleiman and Raskin) is another term for an adjustment disorder. You may notice yourself struggling to get through the day with constant feelings of distress which do not resolve with reassurance or self-help measures. You may be overwhelmed by feelings of self-doubt and feel pressure to be the perfect mother who is in control at all times. Most of the time, women with postpartum stress syndrome feel like they are imposters, or like they are going through the motions without anyone noticing how bad they are really feeling. Postpartum stress syndrome can lead to depression if symptoms linger without supportive attention to them. ​ Warning signs You feel more anxious than usual You are worried that you are not bonding with your baby the way you should be You are exhausted You are trying to “fake it ‘til you make it” You are overly concerned with how you are feeling You compare yourself to how other women are doing/looking/feeling You wonder if you might be depressed You may avoid social situations You are experiencing an increase in physical complaints
  • Perinatal Depression
    Prenatal or postpartum depression (perinatal) is characterized by a depressed mood most of the day nearly every day. It can present with symptoms similar to baby blues, but symptoms of depression are more disruptive and last beyond the first two weeks after delivery. Onset is usually within the first three months postpartum, but symptoms can emerge any time during the first postpartum year. Symptoms of postpartum depression can be difficult to distinguish from “normal” postpartum conditions associated with being a new mother because most new mothers are tired, overwhelmed and anxious. The determining factor is how much distress the feelings cause you and how much they interfere with your ability to function during the day. Perinatal depression can range from mild to severe. Even mild depression requires treatment. If left untreated, perinatal depression can have serious adverse effects on you and your relationship with significant others, and on your baby’s emotional and psychologic development. Your baby deserves a healthy mom. ​ Warning signs You are worried about the way you are feeling You feel tired all the time You are unable to sleep even when the baby is sleeping You feel inadequate and compare yourself to others You feel guilty about how you are feeling You feel nervous much of the time You are not eating as much as I usually do Your mind races with thoughts and worries You are unable to focus or concentrate on anything You have thoughts that are scaring you You are afraid if you tell anyone how you are really feeling you will be judged You worry that if anyone knew what you were thinking, they would take your baby away You are afraid that people will think you are not a good mother You are confused about how you are feeling You are obsessing about how you are feeling, what you are thinking and how your baby is doing You feel irritable and enraged some of the time You cry more often that you usually do Sometimes you think it would be better if you were not here You feel guilty or embarrassed about the way you are feeling The way you are feeling is interfering with your ability to function day to day You are experiencing physical problems like headaches, stomach aches, dizziness, unexplained pains You have way more anxiety than you usually do You have lost pleasure in doing the things that used to give you pleasure You are consumed by how you are feeling. You wonder why nothing you do seems good enough You are afraid to be alone You are worried that you might be over attached or not attached enough with your baby You wonder if you will ever feel better You have thoughts of disappearing, sleeping forever, running away, waking up someplace else You are having suicidal thoughts and believe your baby would be better off without you
  • Perinatal Anxiety
    Perinatal Anxiety is the presence of excessive worry during pregnancy and the postpartum period. While anxiety is normal during this time too much worry can make you feel tense and irritable more of the time, than not. ​ Warning signs Your heart is racing, palpitating, skipping beats You have a sense of pending doom You have pressure or pain in your chest You feel preoccupied with uncontrollable worries You have thoughts that are scaring you about your baby, about yourself, about your partner and anyone you love You ruminate about how you physical wellbeing or the health of your baby You are consumed by “what ifs” and feel anxious about future events You have lost your appetite, nothing tastes good You are exhausted Thoughts race in your head You have difficulty sleeping You find it challenging to quiet your mind Relaxing feels impossible You questions your decisions You overthink, overanalyze, over process everything You have an increase in physical symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, blurry vision You having feelings of being “unreal” or dissociated from self or the environment
  • Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Postpartum OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive, intrusive thoughts, images or urges which may or may not be accompanied by compulsive behaviors. These unwanted thoughts appear “out of nowhere” and are extremely distressing. You might be worried that if you tell anyone about the thoughts you are having, something terrible will happen, like someone will take your baby away. While it is understandable that you would worry about these thoughts because they feel so bad, these thoughts are a common manifestation of acute anxiety and are not associated with any negative outcomes. Most new parents experience unwanted negative thoughts about their infants, even women who do not have OCD. The anxiety you feel about these thoughts tells us that they are anxiety-driven and this is a symptom that is very treatable. ​ Warning signs You have scary thoughts of hurting your baby (stabbing, suffocating, sexual abuse, dropping) You might experience some of these common obsessions: The idea that your baby could die while sleeping in the crib The thought or image of dropping the baby from a high place An image of your baby dead Unwanted impulses to shake or yell at your baby Thoughts of drowning your baby during a bath You are afraid that you might inadvertently harm your baby through your inattentiveness You are preoccupied with thoughts of harm to your baby from exposure to medications, environmental toxins, germs, crowds, chemicals, foods You worry that you will be responsible for something horrible happening to your child You are afraid you are making bad decision which may lead to a catastrophic outcome You may avoid certain places, things, or actions for fear harm may come to your baby You may check, count, clean, repeatedly to reassure yourself that things are in control You find that you ask the same things repetitively and are not reassured by what you are told You have lost your appetite You have difficulty sleeping because the of the thoughts whirling around your head
  • Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Postpartum PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can follow an experience involving a threatened, perceived or actual serious injury or death to you or your baby. Witnessing an event involving death and reacting with horror or feelings of helplessness contribute to the definition of trauma. Examples of trauma which can lead to PTSD after childbirth are: history of previous sexual trauma, birth trauma related to medical complications or injury, birth loss or NICU experience, any unexpected outcome. ​ Warning signs You have nightmares of the traumatic event You have flashbacks of the traumatic event You are angry You have pervasive anxiety You cannot sleep You cannot concentrate You feel emotionally numb You avoid things or places that remind you of the traumatic event Your anxiety is triggered by cues of the traumatic event You re-live the traumatic event in your mind which causes you to become more agitated, more irritable, more distressed You may feel detached
  • Perinatal Panic
    Perinatal panic is when the anxiety manifests as distinct periods of intense fear. These periods are often marked by subsequent fear and avoidance of another attack. ​ Warning signs You cannot breathe Your heart is racing, palpitating, skipping beats You feel weak and lightheaded You feel terrified for no particular reason You feel numbness or tingling and wonder if you are becoming paralyzed You are terrified of losing control You wonder if you are going insane You feel like pacing as a result of excessive negative energy You are afraid you will die You are having thoughts that are scaring you You are worried about your ability to be a good mother if you have these unwanted thoughts You believe your physical symptoms are dire and perhaps you should go to the emergency room You believe no one understands how bad you feel or how scared you are You are fearful of having an anxiety attack You avoid places or things because you are fearful you will panic You are unable to calm yourself You have been told you are overreacting or majorly misinterpreting your bodily sensations
  • Perinatal Bipolar Disorder
    Bipolar disorder during the perinatal period is characterized by periods of extreme highs (mania) and lows (depression). Bipolar I is primarily distinguished by the presence of manic episodes, while bipolar II is characterized by hypomanic episodes. Although postpartum hypomania may not be associated with major impairment in functioning, it is not uncommon for it to be linked with a subsequent, significant depression. If you have a history or family history of bipolar disorder you are at an increased risk of experiencing an episode during pregnancy and postpartum. You are also at risk for postpartum psychosis so please inform your healthcare providers so you be carefully monitored. Warning signs You experience persistent elevated or irritable moods (hypomania) You have a family history of bipolar disorder in a close relative You feel you need less sleep You feel more energetic than usual You feel abnormally talkative or hyper You are being told that your speech is pressured and you are not talking like yourself Your irritability is interfering with your relationships You experience periods of severe depression Your thoughts race and you seem to be thinking faster You feel overconfident or unusually social You feel quick to anger or chronically irritable You are told by others that your behavior is problematic You have started a new antidepressant and feel strangely good You have a heightened interest in sex or spending money You are told you are not acting like yourself You are told that your overly inflated sense of self interferes with work or relationships
  • Postpartum Psychosis
    Postpartum psychosis is the least common, but most serious, postpartum mood disorder. It affects one to two per thousand deliveries and typically appears within the first month after delivery. The presence of psychotic symptoms necessitates aggressive medical treatment and most likely, hospitalization. Psychosis is strongly associated with bipolar disorder; therefore, if you have a personal or family history of bipolar disorder you should be carefully assessed. ​ Warning signs You report seeing things that others do not see You believe things that others say are not true You hear voices other than your own (often religious in nature) telling you to do things (often telling you to harm your baby) Your thoughts race constantly Your speech is rapid You are paranoid and question the loyalty or intentions of those closest to you You feel extraordinarily agitated You are told by others that you are not in touch with reality or the word “bizarre” is used to describe your thinking You have difficulty expressing yourself and have trouble making sense to others You do not understand what others close to you are telling you You are unable to sleep or you do not feel the need to sleep You have suicidal thoughts You have thoughts of directly harming your infant

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

Expecting and new moms experiencing mental health challenges, call or text this 24/7 toll-free, confidential hotline. Support via voice and text in English and Spanish (and 60 additional languages via interpreter services).

free download for new moms support for postpartum.

FREE Basic Postpartum Prep Toolkit

Your brief guide to a healthier postpartum transition.

Other Services:

miscarriage and stillbirth therapy in Scottsdale.
  • Depression and/or anxiety in pregnancy

  • Postpartum depression, stress, and anxiety

  • Labor and delivery preparation

  • Perinatal obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Pregnancy after loss

  • ​Grief/bereavement care for miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss

  • Support for mothers with a baby in the NIC-U

  • Processing a traumatic birth experience

fertility and IVF therapist in Scottsdale.
  • ​​​Reproductive decision-making & planning

  • Support with infertility

  • Support with fertility preservation

  • Support for stress and demands of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

  • Emotional support for adoption and surrogacy processes

  • Supportive care for ending a pregnancy/medical termination

single mother therapist in Scottsdale.
  • Family, identity, and career decision-making

  • Managing your relationship with your partner after having a child

  • Improving communication and assertiveness with others

  • Adjusting back to work/school after having a child

  • Juggling the demands of motherhood and other roles and responsibilities

  • Working through changes to your body after having a baby

  • Adjusting to life with a baby with special needs

  • Facing single motherhood

single mother therapist in Scottsdale.
Smiling Businesswoman
  • Therapy for adult women

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety

  • Stress management

  • Assertiveness 

  • Communication

  • Boundary setting 

  • Self-esteem

  • Relationship concerns

  • Transitions

  • Grief & loss 

  • Work stress 

Group Therapy

Postpartum Prep

The Postpartum Prep Course is a structured 6 week class. It is  designed to prepare you for a healthy postpartum adjustment. If you are currently pregnant and want tangible skills and resources for a smooth transition to motherhood, this course is for you! 

Postpartum Support Group

The Postpartum Support Group is a recurring weekly group for moms currently in their postpartum. The format of the group is flexible, but it is designed to be a warm and supportive space for moms seeking to bond with others and gain healthy coping skills.


Contact Us

Dr. Sandra Rodriguez Siuts Maternal Psychologist logo.

Office Phone Number:

(480) 473-5411


9590 E. Ironwood Square Drive, Suite 210

Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Dr. Rodriguez-Siuts is available for in-person appointments:

Mondays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM


Dr. Rodriguez-Siuts is available for teletherapy appointments:

Monday- Thursday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Fridays, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

*Dr. Rodriguez-Siuts is a part-time psychologist. If our availability is not a good fit, please ask us for referrals.

psychologist for new moms in Scottsdale.

© 2024 Sandra Rodriguez-Siuts, Ph.D., LLC - All Rights Reserved

INTERNET DISCLAIMER: No information found on this website or social media accounts serves as a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical advice. Rodriguez Psychological Services (doing business as Sandra Rodriguez-Siuts, Ph.D., LLC) assumes no liability for any diagnosis, treatment or action taken in reliance upon information contained in this website or social media pages.

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